Boas práticas de SMS Marketing para todos os negócios

Estratégia de SMS Marketing: razões pelas quais funciona

Porque a sua empresa deve usar SMS Marketing?

Como começar uma campanha de SMS Marketing?

What is the best time to send SMS Marketing?
SMS Marketing is used by companies for various purposes. However, the main objective is undoubtedly the sending of promotional campaigns in order to sell and promote the products and / or services.
However, this form of communication works when the message is sent at the right timing. For example, sending an SMS at midnight will not bring the expected results and will bring a bad reputation to the company as it will annoy people. Similarly, when you want to send promotional campaigns, you should send the messages before the campaigns begin, so that people have time to decide to buy.
Best time to send SMS Marketing
8am - 12pm
This is the best time to send SMS Marketing, as this is when people check for updates and messages on their phone, both sms and emails. It is also when they have more time to read the messages and even make a purchase online.
5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
From 5 pm, people are leaving work, wanting to get home and eat. After 9 pm, they are less likely to shop online as they are getting ready for bed. Even if SMS encourages purchase, they may want to leave it for the next day and eventually forget it. In addition, sending messages at this time will make a bad impression on people, as, as mentioned, they will feel uncomfortable.
And weekends?
Saturday from 8am to 12pm
Again, morning is the best time to send SMS, because after 1 pm on Saturday, people tend to be with family and friends. Therefore, in the morning customers are more likely to shop online.
Sunday from 9am to 12pm
On Sunday you can also send SMS to give people time to think about shopping. Instead of sending from 8am, send from 9am.
Sunday from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Avoid this time. People are relaxing and will not react positively to sending their campaigns.
Best times of year to send SMS Marketing
January Balances
January sales usually start right after Christmas. So sending SMS campaigns on December 26th and some throughout January can help increase sales.
Valentine's Day
On this day, companies earn a lot because of gifts. So send ideas to your customers or encourage them to make purchases.
Mother's and Father's Day
Send the promotions about a week in advance so people can think of gifts to their parents.
Summer Sale
Similar to January sales, sending SMS to people can help boost sales during sales.
Black Friday
This is the biggest day of the year for stores. Send SMS to your customers days before or even weeks before, reminding you of Black Friday.
At this time, companies are preparing very aggressive campaigns. With so much competition, it can be difficult to make your business stand out. However, sending timely messages can reach people who need to buy gifts for family and friends faster.
More and more personalized birthday messages are being sent by companies. With the help of suitable SMS Marketing tools, you can plan your birthday messages to be sent on the right dates.
Now that you know the best time to send SMS Marketing, start preparing your campaigns and send them on time!

Qual é a melhor hora para enviar SMS Marketing?

A evolução dos dispositivos móveis: vantagens para a sua empresa

Métricas de SMS Marketing a ter em conta nas suas campanhas