email marketing no dia dos namorados

February has already begun and Valentine’s Day will come with it. This means that companies must think of a strategy to take advantage of this day to sell more. Sending emails can help a lot. Do you want to know how to use email marketing on Valentine’s Day? Read the tips below and highlight your company this time of year!

Tips for sending email marketing on Valentine’s Day

1 – Consider your type of business

Assess how your business can fit into this holiday. Otherwise, it is useless to force sending an email marketing on Valentine’s Day. This date is about love and passion, so it would make no sense to link these themes to, for example, industrial machines. On the other hand, if your business is a restaurant, perfume store, chocolate shop or hotel, you should take advantage of this date to sell more! It can offer special conditions, discounts and more.

2 – Create a special email edition

After assessing whether your business fits the date perfectly, it’s time to create your email. Select the best products / services that best match this date and the different types of couples.

The idea is to create a chemistry with customers. To do this, help them choose, giving product suggestions, promotions or even free shipping. Also make it clear how exchanges work, since your customers are buying to present.

How about creating a top 10 of your best selling products and sending them in your email marketing on Valentine’s Day? You can even create different lists, for example, the most romantic products, those with the most discount … This will help to increase the click-through rate and, later, the conversion rate.

3 – Do not impose sales

Instead of imposing sales, suggest products. Instead of using expressions in the imperative, like “buy now”, use expressions like “see our suggestions”. The email must have a more suggestive character, because the person who receives the email is the one who knows the preferences of the partner. Therefore, the ideal is to guide and assist in the purchase.

In addition to suggesting products, you can also send gift tips, such as a blog article. Take advantage of Valentine’s Day not only to sell, but also to suggest good tips. This will encourage people to buy.

4 – Offer more options

Let’s assume this scenario: the customer opened his email, saw each product, read until the end, but did not find the ideal gift. For these cases, you can offer a virtual gift card or send a discount code, for the person to visit your physical or online store and look for more products. Thus, you will be helping the most undecided and your conversion rate will be higher.

5 – Offer options to those not in a relationship

How about taking advantage of Valentine’s Day to offer advantages to those who don’t date? Not everyone in your database is in a serious relationship. In fact, it is difficult for a company to obtain this information. So, take the opportunity to offer discounts and other types of advantages that please your general public.

6 – Segment by interest

Before separating your audience by gender (for example, male gift suggestions to women), you should understand who your audience is. It will be a good idea to make previous shipments, with different calls-to-action, for example “gifts for him” and “gifts for her”. Only then will you know what the users are interested in. You can also target based on interests shown in previous years and also according to age.

7 – Appealing design

In your email marketing on Valentine’s Day, use visual elements that remind you of the date. In addition, your design should highlight important information, such as the validity of the offer.

Do not create an email with a single image, otherwise you can stop spam; this tip is valid for any email marketing campaign. Therefore, merge text with images. And don’t forget that your email must be responsive, that is, adapted to mobile devices.

8 – Send on time

Usually, people shop for Valentine’s Day very close to the date. Therefore, it is worth investing in emails sent close to February 14th. However, be careful if your offer requires more decision time, such as travel or high-value products.

Another key tip is not to insist on people who have already bought or those who have not compared. The approach must be “soft”, friendly.

9 – Invest time in the subject line

This tip is also valid for all email campaigns. A good subject determines the open rate. The secret is to tell people what they will find in the email and not what they can buy. Sell ​​solutions! In addition, the matter must be clear and direct.