factos sobre os usuários

When we create a website, we always think of the layout, where to put the various features, etc. However, we must always remember that users may not always have the same reasoning as us and may even follow different paths from what we expected when navigating the website. That’s why today’s post talks about the 13 facts about users we should know about when planning the website.

Knowing the different facts about users will greatly help you gain a good reputation and lower bounce rates.

13 facts about users

1 – Users only see what’s there.

Many users are impatient and will not explore your entire website, let alone hidden features. They only see what is easily visible, so it is imperative to place important information in prominent places where users can easily find it.

2 – Users are less focused.

Due to the large amount of information on the internet, users became less focused and started jumping from website to website looking for the information they needed. Good and informative content on the one hand is important, on the other hand the presentation of information dictates how engaging the website is.

3 – User experience is influenced by external factors.

Factors such as branding, customer service, site navigation, simplicity, content usefulness, ease of localization, efficiency, mobile optimization, among others, are external factors that influence the user experience.

4 – Users do not register complaints.

If they find a bug on the website, they are more likely to leave it and look for another rather than submitting a complaint and waiting for a response. To keep bounce rates low, ensure website quality to ensure good performance.

5 – Users learn what they need.

Very few users will be interested in knowing all the features of the website. Usually, they learn only what they need to complete a task. So try to keep the features independent of each other and make navigation easier.

6 – Users usually rely on known standards.

Users are intuitive given their prior knowledge and association with other systems. There are some standard navigation standards and Web design practices adopted all over the internet. For example, when we place the company logo in the website header, it is normal to click there to return to the homepage. So stick to the standards so that users can easily navigate your website.

7 – Users leave the website when dissatisfied.

When users find your website, they are looking for the solution to their problem. If they don’t find it quickly, they will leave your website and look for competition. So make sure your website has relevant content and is easily found.

8 – Users don’t know how to use a website.

If the systems are complex, they will not know how to use the website.

9 – Users don’t use the website the way we want.

While UX Designer has pre-conceived notions of how to use the web and follows certain patterns in a website, users may not follow the same path as predicted. So prepare your website for those users who follow different paths.

10 – Users don’t always want to be browsing the website.

Many users leave the website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load the information.

11 – Users do not always want to read.

Users do not always have the patience to read a lot of text or any text. Therefore, use graphics whenever possible.

12 – Users don’t know the true potential of a system.

The vast majority of users will never know all the functionality of your website. They will learn only what they need and ignore the rest.

13 – Users love really useful websites.

This means they love to go to a website and find the information they need right away. So try to keep your website up to date to help users better.

Now that you know these facts about users, remember them when building or updating your website.