aniversário dos clientes

Increasingly, consumers are waiting for brands to interact with them. In addition, they want to be treated as unique individuals as well as want to be recognized and remembered. Anyway, they want to feel important. Therefore, customers’ birthday is the most convenient time to demonstrate that they are unique. Customers’ birthday is an excellent loyalty strategy, as well as generating more sales.

Learn how to use customers’ birthday in your favor

Customize Email Marketing

Email Marketing is one of the strategies most used to capture the attention of customers, especially when they are treated in a personal and unique way. According to the report by the multinational Experian, The birthday and anniversary report, birthday emails show higher rates of opening and clicks than regular emails.

Anticipate customers’ birthday

It is common for companies to send birthday email on the same day. However, it is also advisable to anticipate the date, with the discount on products in your store, offer a coupon, etc. Also, keep the offer valid one or two days before and after the date. Or, if it makes sense, the offer may also be valid for the entire month that the customer makes years.


It is already known that SMS Marketing is one of the most personal and personalized communication forms. The message should be short, so please send a discount code or a percentage that will catch your eye.

For example:

  • Your birthday is coming! In the next two days, enjoy the 30% discount on any item in our store.
  • Your birthday has arrived! During this month, you will enjoy a 35% discount on our store.

Use the right platforms

It is impossible to check the anniversary dates of each of the clients. So there are platforms that allow you to set up automatic submissions on anniversary dates. This ensures that no customer will be left out. For example, this is the case with the EasySMS platform.

Offer VIP treatment to customers

To achieve customer loyalty, they have to feel important to the company. So in all your communication, especially on the birthday of the clients, show how important they are.

Attention to targeting

The message must have attention to the profile of its client, that is, it must be a conversation with him, showing that the company knows him and is willing to help him.

Invest in after-sales

Communication with consumers should continue after they have made the purchase. This shows concern in solving hypothetical problems and in knowing if he is satisfied with the product / service. You will be more willing to make a new purchase.