carrinhos abandonados

In the world of ecommerce, it is normal to have abandoned carts, because customers start placing items in the cart, but do not finish the purchase for various reasons.

However, there are strategies to recover these customers who have left the carts abandoned, that is, to bring them back and finalize the purchase, as well as to retain them.

We all know that the goal of all ecommerce is to increase sales conversion. Therefore, it is necessary to invest in advertising, whether organic or paid, to attract new consumers. But more important than attracting new customers is loyalty to those who have already made purchases on the site. If the person was interested in buying once, they will also want to buy again in the future.

In this time when people come to the site and make the purchase, there are always abandoned carts. They can happen for several reasons: the customer may have given up on the purchase, the credit card payment may not have been approved, among others. All of this means unconverted sales and lost customers. If the purchase fails, customers are unlikely to return to the store.

So how can we recover the abandoned carts?

Email Marketing: A Series of 3 Emails

Through Email Marketing, you can try some tactics, such as posting product photos, using the right timing for you, and discount codes.

1st Email – one hour later

The faster the store sends an email, the more likely customers are to come back. In this email, put a reminder, product images and a single call to action. Do not put discount coupons or related products. Just remind customers of what they are missing out on.

2nd Email – one day later

If there was no conversion in the first email, for various reasons, please send the second 24 hours later. In this email, show the abandoned products in the cart again. You can try to highlight the benefit of purchasing your product, offer a guarantee to reduce risk or even customer reviews. Also, always be available to answer questions.

3rd Email – 3-5 days later

So the customer has received two emails and has not yet made the purchase. Therefore, the right time to re-follow up is 3 to 5 days later. This is the last email to send, as it is not worth continuing to send more emails to the customer if they do not buy. That means you gave up on the purchase. Continuing to “massacre” them will only cause your emails to stop at the spam box.

In this third email, the strategy to use is the incentives: discount coupons, postage, etc. This is the perfect time to send a coupon instead of sending it in the first or second email, as people may notice that you send coupons right away and may abandon carts on purpose. So send it only 3 to 5 days later, because after this time will have already converted who was really interested in the product.

A coupon of 10 to 15% off may be enough to win some people.

Remarketing on Facebook Ads

Through Facebook Ads, you can help potential customers complete or resume a purchase. How to use Facebook Ads remarketing campaigns to your advantage?

1 – Install Facebook Pixel: Code tags must be entered into the online store and allow Facebook to crosscheck information about store visitors and the social network user base.

2 – Create your remarketing audience: Use custom audiences and select the “site traffic” option. Target the campaign to customers who have taken a specific action in the online store, because the more focused the campaign, the more likely the online store is to convert.

3 – Use dynamic product ads: These are basically campaigns created automatically based on the product catalog. The products featured depend on the behavior of the people within your online store.

4 – Customize and update your ads: For example, create campaigns with special offers for customers who have left their carts abandoned in the last 3 days, just like Email Marketing.

5 – Measure campaigns: Evaluate performance to see if audiences are reacting well.

Note that remarketing can be defined according to criteria such as:

  • Who has visited the site only once;
  • Who has visited the site more than once;
  • Who choose a particular product;
  • Amount Spent
  • Etc.

Remarketing on Google Ads

In this case, remarketing can be used across different networks:

Display Network: Your online store ads appear on partner sites visited by your potential customer.

Search Network: Your online store ads only show on searches related to your products.

Diversify Payment Options

It is very important to have different payment options so that customers can choose which option is best for them. It can be through credit card, PayPal, MB Way, ATM, among others.