marketing de conteúdo - content marketing

Content marketing has been very important lately. According to Joe Pulizzi, content marketing is a strategic approach focused on creating and delivering valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. Content marketing is a strategy increasingly adopted by companies. Therefore, it consists of producing content in order to inform the target audience and also to become references in certain topics. The idea of ​​informing the target audience is intended to turn readers into new consumers.

In this article, we will understand what and which are the 3 R’s, so that you can define a successful Content Marketing strategy.

The 3 R’s of successful Content Marketing

1 – Register

When you are thinking of communication planning, remember to record everything. Answer questions like “where does my brand want to go?” This is the basis for the right content to start being explored.

2 – Repeat

Rather than constantly and regularly publishing your content to make it truly a strategy, the key issue is persistence. Make an editorial calendar and invest in quality content. Remember that content marketing takes some time to start bringing results: about 20 months!

3 – Remove

This “R” refers to the removal of distractions or what is not appropriate for its purpose. That is, choose the best strategic places to publish and promote. You don’t have to be present in all existing channels, so focus on the means that make the most sense for your business.

As we look at these three R’s, we realize that they give us insights into areas other than marketing than just content. So focus on your goal, create content relevant to your target audience and never forget that it has your brand!