Within the scope of its activities, Scriptutex processes data of its customers’ personal details.

The privacy policy implemented by Scriptutex is regulated under conditions referred in the present text.



Personal details: personal details are any information related to a physical person or a person who may be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to identification number of own elements.

Personal details processing: a personal details processing is any operation or set of operations about such data, whatever is the used process and, mainly, the solicitation, registration, organization, conservation, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, diffusion or any other form of provision, alignment or combination, blocking, erasure or destruction.

Cookie: a cookie is information inserted in the web surfer’s hard disk by the server of the visited website. It contains many details: name of the server which installed it, a unique number identification and, eventually, a due date. Sometimes, that information is stored in the computer in a simple text archive, to which the serves accedes to read and register information.

Data presented by the users

The users, owner of the intellectual property rights for the archive, conserves the total and exclusive property of the archives transmitted to Scriptutex.

Scriptutex has access to data presented by the users in their personal accounts, as well as other issues and contents of the emails sent to their contacts by Scriptutex services.

These data are stored in safe servers and are object of computerized processing, in order to provide the service provision signed by the users and to improve Scriptutex services.

Host servers in which Scriptutex processes and stores databases are located exclusively inside the European Union.

The receivers’ behaviour may be object of analysis (opening rates, click rates and individual return rates), in order to improve email marketing campaigns.

Scriptutex does not give or rent data supplied by the users to third parties. The disclosure of users’ personal details to third parties may occur in the following cases:

under the users’ authorization, indicating that the owner of the personal data has authorized, him or herself, this disclosure;

under the power of the competent legal authorities, under judicial requisition or in the case of a lawsuit.


The users ensure that respects the provisions in Law, mainly:

the personal data contained in the transmitted archive were collected and processed in compliance with the Law;

if necessary, the collection and treatment is under the data owner’s authorization

that they allow that the processed data owners exercise the individual right of access, modification, rectification and suppression of personal information related to them;

that they agree with the fact that the information is rectified, clarified, updated or excluded if inaccurate, incomplete, outdated or when the owners wish to prohibit its collection or use, communication or conservation.


Scriptutex will destroy the archive(s) containing the data, as well as the supports and eventual copies within the scope of its operations of processing and forwarding in a maximum term of 30 days after the end of the contractual operations.

Using the Easymail service, by Scriptutex, the users may, at any time, recover the data, by clicking the button “export”, by the Easymail personal account.


Recorded data

Scriptutex recorders and processes the following data: company email; company name; IP address(es) and domain name; connexion and browsing data, when authorized by the users.

Moreover, some data are recorded automatically during the users’ actions in the website (see paragraph about the cookies).


Data receivers

The recorded personal data are meant to the functioning of Scriptutex services. The data collected by Scriptutex may be used for future marketing campaigns. Scriptutex does not give third parties, neither rents, personal data for marketing proposals, without the users’ consent.



The process of personal data is necessary for the execution of the service offered by Scriptutex.


Data conservation duration

The personal data recorded by Scriptutex related to identity and users’, or personal users’, contact information are kept period of 5 years after the suspension of the contractual relation by the users or counting from the solicitation by the responsible person for processing or the potential users’ last contact for the data related to these.

The cessation of the contractual relations is understood as the expressed rescission by the users or the non-use of the Scriptutex services for a period of one year.


Right of access, rectification or opposition

In compliance with the Law, the users benefit of the right of access and rectification in the information referring to them and that may exercise, writing an email to info@scriptutex.pt.

For legitimate reasons, the users may oppose to the processing of the referred data.

These solicitations will be processed in the maximum period of 30 days.

The users may also, at any time, modify their data, signing in at easymail.pt/emkt and clicking in “edit profile”, or contacting by email info@easymail.pt.

The users may cancel their inscription to receive our newsletters or email marketing, by using the automatic removal link, present in every of our emails.


Scriptutex website uses cookies, whose goal is to make the website browsing easy, execute the service supplied by Scriptutex and measure the public of the website.


Types of used cookies
Necessary cookies for the website browsing

These cookies are necessary for the functioning of the Scriptutex website. They allow the use of the main resources of the website. Without them, the users can not use the website normally.


Analytical cookies

These cookies allow knowing the use and performance of the website and improve its operation, performing frequency analysis of the information pages, monitoring the individual opening rates, click rates and bounce rates.


Sharing buttons cookies

These social cookies allow the users to share pages and contents in social network, using the sharing social buttons.


Cookies management

The users have the possibility of accept or refuse the each cookie or refuse them once and for all, configuration the browser.

If the users choose to refuse all the cookies, the access to some pages will be limited.


Lifetime of the cookies

Cookies are in the users’ computer for a maximum of 12 months since the manifestation of consent by the user.

After this period, the consent will be required again.


Data storage location

The host servers in which Scriptutex processes and storages the databases are located exclusively inside the European Union.

Scriptutex will not transfer data outside of the European Union.



Scriptutex takes all the useful precautions to preserve the personal data security and, mainly, to prevent their deformation or damage or if non-authorized third parties have access to them.

The main measures are:


SiteLock System – global leader in security websites, it protects against hackers, spam, viruses and removes malware;

Encrypted transmission of the data with the technology SSL/https.


Moreover, the access to the treatment by receivers of Scriptutex services requires authentication of people who accede the data, by means of strong enough access code and a individual password.
The data which transit by unsafe communication channels are object of technical measures which make them incomprehensible for any non-authorized person.

Modification of the Privacy Policy

Scriptutex reserves the right to improve this Privacy Policy in order to be in compliance with law changes. Modifications will be notified by our website or email, as far as possible, at least 30 days before its entry into force.



Any question related to Scriptutex Privacy Policy may be sent by email to info@scriptutex.pt.